Monday, 31 January 2011

Article Spinning

Writing articles with backlinks to your site helps with the page rank and promotes the site higher up the search engine.  Therefore the more articles you have pointing back to your site the better your ranking should be.  Unfortunately it doesn't quite work that way because the articles need to be unique.  Google does not penalize sites with duplicate content but the duplicate content does not feature well in SERPS (Search Engine Results page),

Article Spinning has therefore been developed.  An article can be spun in various ways:

  • A web owner may employ writes to article spin manually
  • Writes can do their own article spinning manually
  • Writes can use article spinning software

Friday, 28 January 2011

Why Use Social Networking

Social networking sites are important to put you in touch with your target audience and tell them about your products.  Some social networks are designed primarily for business users so that you can share information, probably get a new business partner or gain a new customer.  Social networking site focus on meeting new people

There is nothing new about social networking and that is why people join the chamber of commerce etc but social networking sites have had an explosion of popularity over the last year.  With web 2.0 bookmarking sites a user can search for information and see how many other people have found this website useful instead of getting all the nonsense from a Google search.

Social networks are easy to uses and so more and more people are using the likes of MySpace, YouTube and this in turn attracts more people.

When you become a member of a social network you have to set up a profile and this means you can research the person and their products before getting in contact with them.  If they have the products you need invite them to be your friend so that they can see you and follow links back to your blog or website.

Most social networks are free to use which increases their popularity for example MySpace and Yahoo! 360.

Every business should join some social networking sites because the potential audience is enormous and you will find people who are interested in your product.

To start with:

  • Pick you social network with a large or  target audience you require
  • Set up your profile to tell people your name and what you do
  • Begin by making contacts by joining groups, inviting friends, making posts, sending private messages etc.
  • Build anchor text links back to your website from high ranked social networks - punch to your SEO

Monday, 24 January 2011

Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking is a community link sharing area. Examples of social bookmarking sites are:
  • Digg
  • Reddit
  • Stumblupon
Social bookmarking your website or blog can help its page ranking (PR) by providing a backlink.  The advantage of social bookmarking is that the backlink  has been given by a human who can understand the content of the page as apposed to a spider.

You need to submit your webpage to a bookmarking site and then get people to vote for your site.  I have explained one way of doing this in the blog  Promote My Site for Free 

You need to understand whether the link is classed as good backlink and to find out this you can view the page souce of the social bookmarking site.  Find your URL link in the code and if it is tagged as nofollow then the search engine disregards it. The link is also disregarded if your webpage URL is followed by another URL.  This is called cloaking and the backlink will also be disregarded

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Writing an Article

To increase exposure of your website you need to write articles on quality websites giving your website backlinks.  When writing an article you need to have at least 3 paragraphs with 2 or 3 sentances in each paragraph.  Repeat the main title as much as you can whilst maintaining legability.

When writing an article the title should be in H1 tags and each word should begin with a capital letter.  The article title should not be keyword stuffed and should read in a natural way.

At the end of writing the article you need the all important anchor text.  The anchor text should match the title and take you to the website being promoted.  Before writing the article you need to consider the metadata and keywords which need to be relevant to the article and the title.

Writing an Article

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Promote My Site For Free

I have just created a website and I chose Microjobs as one of the sites to promote my site for free. I have a profile page where I can add photos and videos to promote my site for free.
On signing up to Microjobs you get a $5 bonus which can be used on campaigns. The minimum cost of a campaign is $3 and you could use this to have the Microjobs users share your site on their favourite social network.
I also complete tasks at Microjobs which include bookmarking, article writing, video editing and many more to earn extra money. This money can then be recycled into campaigns to promote my site for free.

Social Network Affiliate Marketing

As the internet evolves so does the standard method of network marketing. More and more people have access to the internet and as social networks progress there are means of making extra money through social network affiliate marketing.

Microjob Small Job Provider

Microjobs offers free easy to use social network affiliate marketing giving people an area to promote their profile with videos and details. You can also promote your website and set up mini campaigns for your website. A good first campaign is to have users share your website on their favourite social network. On the other hand you can also be a mini freelance worker earning extra money in your spare minutes
Micorjobs social network affiliate marketing has a forum and blog where you get set up social groups and interact one to one with other people with shared interests.

Another alternative is at Microworkers.  This is the same principle as Microjobs


Thursday, 13 January 2011

Create a Social Network

Setting up your own social network is a great way to help you work closely with other workers.  One such social network is on Microjobs.  There is also an open forum to help you with jobs or projects you are doing.

Microjob Small Job Provider

To create a social network log onto the Microjobs home page and go to forum from the top menu and then to my profile. You are then in your own basic profile page and you should then click on the Applications and take the group dropdown option.  On the new page there will be a create option on the right of the page.  Click this and a form will then open.  Enter the group name, the description of the community group.  Select the category for the group. Select the whether you want photos and videos to be uploaded and then click on create group.

Now that the group is created you need to invite friends to join from your friends menu.  On the new page enter your friends email addresses and the message you want to invite them into the group.  Then press send.

You then need to create a blog for the group so that you can discuss experiences and work you are doing.  Click on the blog menu from the main menu and follow the questions.  Click save when you have finished
You then need to create a blog from the blog main menu for the group and then click on save

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Adding a Site Map

A site map helps the search engine trawl for all your inner pages and archives of your blog.

The first thing to do is verify that you are the owner of the blog. To do this log onto Google webmaster tools

Go to my sites and take add a site
Once added select the site and then take verify
Select meta tags and then copy the code
Go to the design of your blog and take edit html. Paste the verification code in beneath the statement.

The next thing to do is add the site map

Once again in webmaster tools select the site and then take the add sitemap option.
In empty box enter your blog name followed by rss.xml EG
Add a sitemap to your Yahoo site Exlorer. The blog should now be verified on yahoo. Go to my sites and take the explore button and add the rss.xml as a site feed

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Search Engines

Search engines are important because they help people find you on the internet.

Your blog can take several weeks to be indexed so you can try and speed up the indexing by submitting to google at
Submit to yahoo at

You then need to start setting up backlinks to your blog to increase its PR
It good to have a page with a high PR to set the links up from:
  • Your Google profile
  • yahoo
  • squidoo
  • Social networking & forums
To see how your blog is peforming on the web use webmaster tools.
You can submit your blog to search engines using Submit Express at They also have good Search engine optimization (SEO) tools.
They show you how to make meta tag tools for your website

Monday, 10 January 2011

Starting a blog

Blog is an abbreviation for web log and they are a web page where people keep a journel of what they are doing, events that are happening, topics they are researching.

The first thing to do is decide which blog to use. There are quite a few that are easy to set up including blogger, wordpress and paid to blog. I chose blogger because it is easy to use, allowed adsense and since it is hosted by google may get some favour in the search engines.

Saying that blogs are extremely search engine friendly

The second thing you need to do is decide on your niche and then update you blog regularly. You need to write quality content with your key word sprinkled through your text.
Pick you title and labels to reflect what people are going to put in the search engines.

I set this blog up on 08/01/2011 and so I expect the blog to be indexed by around the second week in February.  I will post as soon as it is